The Personal Impact of Imitation of Life

The prompt for this article was from my English course. We were asked to write about our 2 favorite movies from the course and how it built a personal bridge to us. Below is my first chosen movie, Imitation of Life. Imitation of Life and Model Minorities To be perfectly honest, before watching Imitation ofContinue reading “The Personal Impact of Imitation of Life”

It’s a Wonderful Life- Pottersville Scene Breakdown

The post below covers this scene, from Its a Wonderful Life. It was written for my ENGB57 class in which the prompt asked us to examine how diegetic and extra-diegetic elements of film combined to evoke emotionally based ethical reasoning. Thanks for reading! Capitalism: A Broken American Dream The movie It’s a Wonderful LifeContinue reading “It’s a Wonderful Life- Pottersville Scene Breakdown”

Using Machine Learning to Generate Movie Titles

As you can see above, the way this logarithm works is by asking for a word and then it will generate a title based off of that word. These titles make about as much sense as most of the code I write, but it is a fun little project that explores the basics of machineContinue reading “Using Machine Learning to Generate Movie Titles”

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